.. _filters: Filters ================================================ In charting, the most common method of filtering is by creating a filter for that chart specifically: .. image:: images/filters/filter-top-chart.gif .. note:: The ability to see the most frequent values as shown in the screenshot above may be only for higher tiers of subscription in the future. Filter conditions -------------------------------- .. image:: images/filters/filter-top-chart-conditions.gif In each condition, there are three parts (the above screenshot is from the top of chart): 1. The field to apply. This can be any field that you have added into Content Chimera. 2. The operator. 3. The value to compare. These are the possible operators: .. csv-table:: Filter Operators :file: csv/filter_operators.csv :widths: 15, 15, 70 :header-rows: 1 † These are only available in shared filters. Where filters are used ----------------------- Filters are used in two places: * Charting (restricting what content is represented in the chart) * Rules (defining what conditions A third place is filtering what URLs get crawled, but this has not yet been exposed in the front end. .. note:: There is a slight difference between how filters are applied in charting and rules. Charting filtering is applied in database queries and the rules are applied in memory. Shared filters -------------- .. note:: Before chart-specific filters were added in October 2022, the *only* kind of filter was a shared filter. Shared filters may become depricated. For now, you can use a shared filter that has already been created, but you cannot add a new shared filter. Filters can also be shared. Shared filters are managed under advanced settings. .. image:: images/filters/shared-vs-chart-specific-filters.png This is an example of editing a shared filter: .. image:: images/filter-example.png In the above example, there are two conditions (they *both* must be true for the filter to apply: 1) the folder = articles and 2) Has Tables = yes. .. note:: Be careful with shared filters. Since they can be used across rules and charting, if you change a filter in one place it can affect the other. Last updated 20 October 2022.